The Complicated Spine:
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis + Special Cases
The Complicated Spine: Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis + Special Cases is based on Chapters 4 and 10 of Safe Movement for All Spines. Learn specific guidelines for safe movement and healthy maintenance of the spine with spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis and anterolisthesis or retrolisthesis. Incorporate creative variations of Pilates repertoire that are challenging, inclusive and fun, while biomechanically safe for the “spondy” spine.
What do you do when a person has a complicated spine, with multiple conditions? This course empowers instructors to learn, understand and apply a priority hierarchy when someone has multiple issues, and some of the contraindications are conflicting. An example of the problem-solving and solution-oriented thinking for these special cases is illustrated by Susan’s story, a client case study that offers powerful lessons about how healing can occur.